Thursday, February 28, 2008


There are all little things I still need to get:
  • earplugs,
  • advil cold-and sinus (which apparently I couldn't get at Target in Pennsylvania without going to see a pharmacist... dang Meth-heads)
  • rubber door-stop (apparently good for unlockable doors)
  • lens covers (i keep losing mine)
  • small inflatable pillow (i have a pillow phobia, must take my own)
Then there are the things I don't necessarily need but want:
My creditcard and bank account are already whimpering. And I just got an email from my temp agency that it'll cost about 1800 bucks for the health insurance for the next 4 months. Rad.

I packed my butt off last night. Let me tell you it's hard to pack in a tiny apartment. I've started piling boxes on my couch. I've gotten the living room done and most of the bathroom and bedroom. I've tackled a small percentage of my kitchen and desk area -- those will be the main targets this evening. I just want to be done by Saturday morning so when anyone (oh please please please please!) shows up to help on Saturday afternoon, it'll take no time at all.

Oh and I bought ingredients for whiskey slush so that's a go! Except now that I think about it, I packed the containers needed to make it. Smart. Very smart.

Hmmm, I'm suddenly concerned that my plan to take two external harddrives might not be such a good idea. I thought perhaps I could keep them in separate bags and put all photos on both in order to have a secure back-up (as well as make cds/dvds of photos and send home). But now I'm concerned about viruses attacking the hard drives/photos when i connect them to strange computers. If I can find something to upload photos directly to my external harddrive. Or I should have gotten a portable photo-reader thingie.

UGH!!! The consulate still has my visa! They're holding it! They sent it to the media department because I wrote "television production" as my occupation and now they think I'm a journalist and they don't like journalists! I'm going to completely lose it. They seem unconcerned -- that it should be returned at any moment to the out-sourcing office, but I don't know what to do if they don't return it soon. They gave me a number to call at the media department to help move it along but I just got a beep when I called. This is so so sooooo not good.

1 comment:

Ha Ha Sound said...

Why did I think you were going to Paris? Shows you what I know.